AWS Lambda interview questions

64. Can I execute other programs from within my AWS Lambda function written in Node.js?
Yes. Lambda’s built-in sandbox lets you run batch (‘shell’) scripts, other language runtimes, utility routines, and executables. Learn more here.

65. Is it possible to use native modules with AWS Lambda functions written in Node.js?
Yes. Any statically linked native module can be included in the ZIP file you upload, as well as dynamically linked modules compiled with an rpath pointing to your Lambda function root directory.

66. How do I package and deploy an AWS Lambda function in C#?
You can create a C# Lambda function using the Visual Studio IDE by selecting “Publish to AWS Lambda” in the Solution Explorer. Alternatively, you can directly run the “dotnet lambda publish” command from the dotnet CLI which has the [# Lambda CLI tools patch] installed, which creates a ZIP of your C# source code along with all NuGet dependencies as well as your own published DLL assemblies, and automatically uploads it to AWS Lambda using the runtime parameter ‘dotnetcore1.0’

67. How do I deploy AWS Lambda function code written in PowerShell?
A PowerShell Lambda deployment package is a ZIP file that contains your PowerShell script, PowerShell modules that are required for your PowerShell script, and the assemblies needed to host PowerShell Core. You then use the AWSLambdaPSCore PowerShell module that you can install from the PowerShell Gallery to create your PowerShell Lambda deployment package.

68. How do I deploy AWS Lambda function code written in PowerShell?
A PowerShell Lambda deployment package is a ZIP file that contains your PowerShell script, PowerShell modules that are required for your PowerShell script, and the assemblies needed to host PowerShell Core. You then use the AWSLambdaPSCore PowerShell module that you can install from the PowerShell Gallery to create your PowerShell Lambda deployment package.Q: How do I deploy AWS Lambda function code written in PowerShell? A PowerShell Lambda deployment package is a ZIP file that contains your PowerShell script, PowerShell modules that are required for your PowerShell script, and the assemblies needed to host PowerShell Core. You then use the AWSLambdaPSCore PowerShell module that you can install from the PowerShell Gallery to create your PowerShell Lambda deployment package.

69. How do I deploy AWS Lambda function code written in Ruby?
To deploy a Lambda function written in Ruby, package your Ruby code and gems as a ZIP. You can upload the ZIP from your local environment, or specify an Amazon S3 location where the ZIP file is located.

70. Which versions of Amazon Linux, Node.js, Python, JDK, .NET Core, SDKs, and additional libraries does AWS Lambda support?
You can view the list of supported versions here.

Author: user

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