Snowflake : Lateral Join in Snowflake


Lateral Join is a powerful feature in Snowflake that allows you to join a table with a table-valued function (TVF). A TVF is a function that returns a table, and it can take one or more arguments. A Lateral Join is similar to a regular join, but it allows you to join a table with a TVF, which can be very useful in certain scenarios.

To demonstrate how to use Lateral Join in Snowflake, let’s create a sample table called “freshers_in” with the following schema:

CREATE TABLE freshers_in (
  id INT,
  name VARCHAR(50),
  hobbies VARIANT

The “freshers_in” table contains information about several freshers, including their IDs, names, and hobbies. The “hobbies” column is a VARIANT data type, which can store an array of values.

Let’s insert some sample data into the “freshers_in” table:

  (1, 'John Doe', ['reading', 'cooking']),
  (2, 'Jane Smith', ['hiking', 'swimming']),
  (3, 'Bob Johnson', ['playing guitar', 'painting']),
  (4, 'Mary Davis', ['dancing', 'singing']);

Now let’s say we want to find all the freshers who have the hobby “reading”. We could use a Lateral Join with the FLATTEN function, which is a TVF that takes a VARIANT data type and returns a table with one row per array element.

Here’s how we can use Lateral Join to achieve this:

FROM freshers_in
  , LATERAL FLATTEN(hobbies) h
WHERE h.value = 'reading';

In this query, we’re using the LATERAL keyword to specify that we want to use a Lateral Join. We’re also using the FLATTEN function with the “hobbies” column to convert the array of hobbies into a table with one row per hobby. Then we’re filtering the results to only include rows where the hobby is “reading”.

The result of this query will be:

| ID |  NAME   |        HOBBIES        | VALUE |
|  1 | John Doe | ['reading','cooking'] | reading |

As you can see, we’ve successfully used Lateral Join to join the “freshers_in” table with a TVF (FLATTEN), and we’ve filtered the results to only include rows where the hobby is “reading”.

Lateral Join is a powerful feature in Snowflake that allows you to join a table with a TVF. It can be very useful in scenarios where you need to manipulate complex data types, such as VARIANT or OBJECT. With the help of a Lateral Join, you can easily convert these data types into tables and manipulate them as needed.

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