Streamlining Form Responses: Conditional Email Notifications

To set up conditional email notifications in Google Forms, you can use Google Apps Script, which allows you to add custom functionality to Google Apps, including Google Forms. Here’s a step-by-step guide to implementing conditional email notifications based on form responses:

  1. Create your Google Form:
    • Start by creating your Google Form with all the necessary questions and options.
  2. Open the Google Form editor:
    • Once you’ve created your form, open it for editing.
  3. Access the Google Apps Script editor:
    • In the Google Form editor, go to the menu bar and click on “Extensions” > “Apps Script”. This will open the Google Apps Script editor in a new tab.
  4. Write the script:
    • In the Google Apps Script editor, you can write the script to handle conditional email notifications based on form responses. Here’s a basic example of what the script might look like:
function onSubmit(e) {
  var formResponses = e.values; // Get the form responses
  // Extract the relevant responses from the form
  var email = formResponses[1]; // Assuming email address is the second question
  // Check the condition based on form responses
  if (formResponses[2] == "Option A") {
    sendEmail(email, "Notification for Option A", "You selected Option A.");
  } else if (formResponses[2] == "Option B") {
    sendEmail(email, "Notification for Option B", "You selected Option B.");

function sendEmail(email, subject, message) {
  // Send an email to the specified email address
  MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message);
  1. Save the script:
    • Once you’ve written your script, save it by clicking the floppy disk icon or by pressing Ctrl + S.
  2. Close the script editor:
    • After saving the script, close the Google Apps Script editor tab to return to your Google Form editor.
  3. Set up the trigger:
    • To trigger the script when a form response is submitted, go to the menu bar in the Google Apps Script editor and click on “Edit” > “Current project’s triggers”.
    • Click on the “+ Add Trigger” button.
    • Choose the function onSubmit to run, and select “From form” > “On form submit” as the event type.
    • Click “Save” to create the trigger.
  4. Test your form:
    • Test your form by submitting responses with different choices to ensure that the conditional email notifications are sent correctly.

With this setup, when a form response is submitted, the onSubmit() function will be triggered. It will extract the relevant responses from the form and check the conditions based on the responses. Then, it will send an email notification to the specified email address based on the conditions met.

Author: user