Biology basic Q and A (01)

76 : Which is a recently extinct bird from Mauritious?
Ans : Dodo

77 : Who is the inventor of Printing for the Blind?
Ans : Louis Braille

78 : Father of Pathology?
Ans : RudolphVirchow

79 : Pacemaker was invented by ?
Ans : Chardack (1960)

80 : National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)was established in the year?
Ans : 1992

81 : Lowest recorded temperature for a human being to survive?
Ans : 20.30C

82 : Who is the inventor of Parachute?
Ans : Andre-Jacques

83 : The disease resistant constituent of blood is ?
Ans : W.B.C.

84 : Who is the inventor of Fountain Pen?
Ans : Waterman

85 : Who is the inventor of Kala-a-zar Fever?
Ans : U.N.Bramachari

86 : Father of Botany?
Ans : Theophrastus

87 : Who is the inventor of Art of Printing?
Ans : Guttenburg

88 : The act of blood clotting when one gets cut to stop the bleeding is called ?
Ans : Coagulation

89 : Who is the inventor of Photography?
Ans : L.Daguerre

90 : Who is the inventor of Automobile (Steam)?
Ans : Nicolas Cugnot

Author: Freshers