Biology basic Q and A (02)

151 : Smallest Bird in the world is ?
Ans : Humming Bird

152 : Who is the inventor of Geiger counter?
Ans : Geiger

153 : Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed into …..?
Ans : Lymph

154 : Who is the inventor of Washing Soda?
Ans : Lablanc

155 : The hardest material found in human body is ?
Ans : Enamel

156 : The scientific name of Tiger is?
Ans : Panthera tigris

157 : COBOL; Common Business Oriented Language; was developed by ?
Ans : Grace Murray Hooper.

158 : Largest and longest bone is ?
Ans : Femur (thigh bone)

159 : Who is the inventor of Paints?
Ans : Shalimar

160 : Who is the inventor of X-ray?
Ans : Roentgen

161 : Name the first known Personal Computer?
Ans : The Altair (1975)

162 : Who is the inventor of Motion; Law of?
Ans : Newton

163 : Which is the first state to introduce e-mail system in Govt. Office?
Ans : Goa

164 : What is the Study of trees ?
Ans : dentrology

165 : Centre for Cellular and Molecular biology is located in ?
Ans : Hyderabad

Author: Freshers