Biology basic Q and A (02)

241 : Second largest gland in human body is?
Ans : Pancreas

242 : What is known as graveyard of RBC?
Ans : Spleen

243 : Who is the inventor of Dynamo?
Ans : Michael Faraday

244 : The electronic record for recording of electric variations that occur during contraction of muscles of heart is?
Ans : ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)

245 : The chief excretory organs of human body is ?
Ans : The kidneys

246 : Plant physiology is the study of ?
Ans : Life functions of plants

247 : Which is the largest gland in the human body?
Ans : Liver

248 : Who is the inventor of Revolver?
Ans : Samuel Colt

249 : Who is the founder of Twitter ?
Ans : Ivan Williams

250 : Father of Botany?
Ans : Theophrastus

251 : Name the first digital computer designed by Howard Alken?
Ans : ‘Harvard Mark l

252 : Vitamin B6 is also called?
Ans : Pyridoxine

253 : The Goal of Stockholm convention was?
Ans : To reduce the use of POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) or Dirty Dozen

254 : The scientific name of Earthworm is?
Ans : Pheretima Posthuma

255 : Sand fever; an insect borne disease; is propagated by?
Ans : Sand fly

Author: Freshers