Biology basic Q and A (02)

256 : The proportion of R.B.C. and W.B.C. in human body is ?
Ans : 25.00069444444444

257 : Insects which feed on waste material such as dead bodies; debris etc are called?
Ans : Scavengers

258 : Quinine; an alkaloid; extracted from the tree Cinchona Officianalis; is used to cure which disease?
Ans : Malaria

259 : Who is the inventor of Camera?
Ans : Zeiss

260 : Father of Biology ?
Ans : Aristotle

261 : The pesticide used in foundations of buildings for preventing; termite attack is?
Ans : Aldrin

262 : Which organ of the body is affected by Tuberculosis?
Ans : Lungs

263 : TB vaccine was discovered by ?
Ans : Leon Calmette and Camille Guerin (1992)

264 : Who is the inventor of Electric Current; Induction of?
Ans : Michael Faraday

265 : Who is the inventor of Nuclear Physics?
Ans : John Crockfort

266 : Who is the inventor of Torpedo?
Ans : Rabert Whitehead

267 : Who is the inventor of Nuclear Fission?
Ans : Otto Hahn

268 : Who is the inventor of Hydrogen?
Ans : Henry Cavendish

269 : Most poisonous bird and the only known poisonous bird in the world is ?
Ans : The Hooded Pitohui from Papua New Guinea

270 : The process by which water diffuses through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of higher concentration of a solution to a region of lower concentration of a solution?

Author: Freshers