Biology basic Q and A (01)

106 : Water balance in the body is mainly controlled by ?
Ans : ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone) secreted by hypothalamus.

107 : Scientific name of Frog is ?
Ans : Rana Hexadactyla

108 : Global Polio Eradication Programme is a Joint effort led by WHO; UNICEF and ?
Ans : The Rotory Foundation.

109 : 90% of ozone resides in which layer of the atmosphere?
Ans : Stratosphere.

110 : Remedy for Myopia also known as near sightness or short sightness. is to use ?
Ans : Concave lens

111 : A person who used his or her expertise to gain access to other computers to get information illegally or to do damage is called ?
Ans : Hacker

112 : Hepatitis B causing virus is ?
Ans : Hepatitis B virus

113 : Placenta is the characteristic feature of?
Ans : Mammals

114 : The native place of potato; a tuber crop; is?
Ans : America

115 : National Dairy Research Institute is located in?
Ans : Kamal (Haryana)

116 : The basic architecture of computer was developed by ?
Ans : John Von Neumann

117 : Largest bird is?
Ans : North African Ostrich

118 : Experiments with Plant Hybrids is a book by ?
Ans : Rev. Gregor Mendel

119 : The approximate number of bones in a new born baby is?
Ans : 300 bones

120 : Who is the inventor of D.D.T.?
Ans : D. Paul Muller

Author: Freshers