Biology basic Q and A (01)

31 : Who is the inventor of Ball Point Pen?
Ans : John Loud

32 : The first electronic computer which could store programs in the memory ‘EDVAC’ (Electronics Discrete Variable Computer) was invented by ?
Ans : John Von Neumann in 1945

33 : Who is the inventor of Radio Telephone?
Ans : Lee De Forest

34 : The smallest measurement of memory is?
Ans : Bit.

35 : Name the first Super computer made by Seymour Cray; the father of super computer?
Ans : UNIVAC 1103

36 : Who is the inventor of Anti-polio Vaccine?
Ans : Jonas E.Salk

37 : Dengue fever; an insect borne disease; is propagated by?
Ans : Culex mosquitoes

38 : Mumps causing virus is ?
Ans : Myxovirus

39 : World’s first heart transplantation was performed on 3rd December 1967 by?
Ans : Christian Bernard.

40 : Which is the first country to legalize Euthanasia or mercy killing ?
Ans : Netherlands( second is Belgium)

41 : Name the programmed cell death or cells suicide?
Ans : Apoptosis

42 : The smallest ape is?
Ans : Gibbon.

43 : Name the digestive enzyme that converts Lactose to glucose is ?
Ans : Lactase

44 : What is called the ‘universal biological energy currency’?
Ans : ATP

45 : GUI stands for ?
Ans : Grapbical User Interface

Author: Freshers