Biology basic Q and A (01)

121 : A.T.P (Adenosine Tri phosphate) synthesise is the function of?
Ans : Mitochondria

122 : The animal found in the advertisement board of forest department with the heading “I have no medicinal value” is?
Ans : Black ape.

123 : The study of microorganisms is called ?
Ans : Microbiology

124 : Who is the inventor of Cells in the plants?
Ans : Robert Hooke

125 : Flying fox is kind of ?
Ans : Bat

126 : Disease causing microorganisms are called ?
Ans : Pathogens.

127 : Which is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds; especially sugars; using the energy from sunlight?
Ans : Photosynthesis

128 : The scientific name of Cashew is?
Ans : Anacardium Occidentale

129 : Which hormone prepares the animal to fight or flight?
Ans : Adrinalin

130 : The Ramsar Convention(1971) is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of wetlands. It was held at?
Ans : Ramsar in Iran

131 : …………. plant absorbs water from atmosphere?
Ans : Orchid

132 : Who is the inventor of Logarithms?
Ans : John Napier

133 : Rabies causing virus is ?
Ans : Lyssa virus

134 : Who is the inventor of Automobile (magneto)?
Ans : Daimler

135 : Blood sucking Leech possess anti coagulant called ?
Ans : Hirudin

Author: Freshers