Querying nested and repeated data with SQL Dialect using Google BigQuery

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One feature that sets BigQuery apart is its support for nested and repeated fields, which allows it to store data more efficiently and in a highly structured format. This capability is particularly beneficial when dealing with semi-structured data, such as JSON, which is common in modern data ecosystems. This article delves into the intricacies of leveraging BigQuery’s SQL dialect to query nested and repeated data, empowering you to perform intricate data analyses with ease.BigQuery’s support for nested and repeated fields provides a robust environment for dealing with complex, semi-structured data. By mastering the techniques of querying these data types using BigQuery’s SQL dialect, you can unlock insightful analyses, efficient data storage, and a deeper understanding of your data.

Understanding Nested and Repeated Fields: Before diving into querying techniques, it’s vital to understand what nested and repeated fields are:

  1. Nested Fields: These are structures or objects within a single record in BigQuery. They are similar to JSON objects or Python dictionaries and can contain multiple layers of additional fields.
  2. Repeated Fields: These fields are arrays of values within a single record, allowing for multiple values to be associated with a single field. It’s akin to having a list of items stored in a single column.

The STRUCT (or RECORD) data type in BigQuery allows for the creation of nested schemas, while the ARRAY data type creates repeated fields.

Getting Started with BigQuery’s SQL Dialect: BigQuery uses an SQL dialect that supports querying nested and repeated fields directly, offering a powerful tool for data analysis. Here’s how to use it:

Unnesting Repeated Fields: To flatten or query inside a repeated field, use the UNNEST function. UNNEST takes an ARRAY field and returns a table, with one row for each element in the ARRAY.


SELECT [column_name], ...
FROM [table_name], UNNEST([array_field_name]) as [alias]


SELECT name, hobby
FROM Users, UNNEST(hobbies) as hobby;

Querying Nested Fields: You can query nested fields by specifying the full path to the nested field.


SELECT [nested_field_name].[sub_field], ...
FROM [table_name]


SELECT user.address.city
FROM UserDetails;

Combining Nested and Repeated Fields: In situations where you have repeated STRUCT fields, you can combine querying techniques for nested and repeated data.


SELECT [column_name], [alias].[sub_field], ...
FROM [table_name], UNNEST([nested_repeated_field_name]) as [alias]


SELECT user.name, address.city
FROM UserDetails, UNNEST(user.addresses) as address;

Using Subqueries with Nested and Repeated Fields: Subqueries can be powerful tools when working with complex nested and repeated fields. They can be used in WHERE, SELECT, or even JOIN clauses to provide more control over the data you’re querying.


SELECT (SELECT [sub_field] FROM UNNEST([array_field_name])) as [alias], ...
FROM [table_name]


SELECT name, (SELECT hobby FROM UNNEST(hobbies) WHERE hobby = 'Reading') as favorite_hobby
FROM Users;

Aggregation with Nested and Repeated Fields: Aggregation functions (like SUM, COUNT, AVG, etc.) can also be used with nested and repeated fields to generate summarized results.


SELECT [aggregation_function]([alias].[sub_field]) as [alias], ...
FROM [table_name], UNNEST([array_field_name]) as [alias]
GROUP BY [column_name]


SELECT author, COUNT(book) as book_count
FROM AuthorDetails, UNNEST(books_written) as book
GROUP BY author;

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Author: user