General Knowledge – Basic – 069

10291 : The amount of air moving in and out of lungs during each breath is called?
Ans : Tidal volume

10292 : Who is the author of “Politics and Governance”?
Ans : Bimal Jalan

10293 : Who is the inventor of Brownian Movements?
Ans : Robert Brown

10294 : Who is the author of “An American Dilemma”?
Ans : Gunnar Myrdal

10295 : Who is the author of “Heat and Dust”?
Ans : Ruth P Jhabwala

10296 : Who is the author of “My Truth”?
Ans : Indira Gandhi

10297 : Who is the author of “Akbarnama”?
Ans : Abul Fazal

10298 : Mecca of Kerala is?
Ans : Ponnani (Malappuram)

10299 : White City?
Ans : Belgrade

10300 : Who is the author of “Airport”?
Ans : Arthur Halley

10301 : The Capital of Morocco?
Ans : Rabat

10302 : In which year Gandhiji visited Ayyankali?
Ans : 1936

10303 : Who is the author of “God and the Bible ‘”?
Ans : Mathew Arnol

10304 : Who was the first Malayali to get enrolled in the Indian Cricket Team?
Ans : Tinu Yohannan

10305 : Who is the author of Death under Sail ?
Ans : C.P. Snow

Author: Freshers