General Knowledge – Basic – 069

10216 : Who is the author of “It was Five Past Midnight in Bhopal”?
Ans : Domanique Lapierre and Javier Moro

10217 : Who is the inventor of Brownian Movements?
Ans : Robert Brown

10218 : Vilasini is the pen name of?
Ans : M K Menon

10219 : The Currency of Venezuela?
Ans : Bolivar

10220 : Who is the author of “Pakistan – The Gathering Storm”?
Ans : Benazir Bhutto

10221 : Father of Genetics?
Ans : Gregor John Mendal

10222 : Who is the author of “The Moor’s Last Sigh”?
Ans : Salman Rushdie

10223 : Who is the author of “Gul-e-Naghma Raghupati”?
Ans : Sahai Firaq

10224 : On which date Pedro Alvarez Cabral reached Cochin?
Ans : 24 December; 1500.

10225 : Who is the author of “Atoms of Hope”?
Ans : Mohan Sundar Rajan

10226 : The Ezhava Memorial was submitted on ?
Ans : 3rd September 1896; signed by 13;176 members of the Ezhava community under the leadership of Dr. Palpu.

10227 : Demosthenese; who was he?
Ans : A world famous Greek orator

10228 : Perceolis was the capital of the ancient Empire?
Ans : Persia

10229 : First President of the USA?
Ans : George Washington

10230 : Chinese Civilisation originated on the banks of which river?
Ans : Hwang Ho

Author: Freshers