General Knowledge – Basic – 067

10021 : The Punnapra Vayalar Upheaval was a strike against?
Ans : The American Model irremovable executive.

10022 : Who is the author of “The Second World War”?
Ans : Winston Churchill

10023 : World Bank classifies the countries of the world into three; they are?
Ans : low income; middle income and high income countries

10024 : Which company’s shares were first traded in the Amsterdam Stock exchange?
Ans : The Dutch East India Company

10025 : Who is the author of Memories of the Rationalist ?
Ans : Vasanth Sathe

10026 : Agricultural University with its headquarters at Mannuthi in Thrissur was founded in?
Ans : 1971

10027 : Who is the author of Netaji Dead or Alive ?
Ans : Samar Guha

10028 : Who is the author of “Deception Point”?
Ans : Dan Brown

10029 : Who is the author of Ramayana Maharishi ?
Ans : Valmiki

10030 : Name the digestive enzyme that converts Maltose to glucose is ?
Ans : Sucrase

10031 : Paper was first used by ?
Ans : Chinese

10032 : Who was the first Rajya Sabha member to become the Chief Minister of Kerala?
Ans : C.Achuthamenon

10033 : Who is the author of Human Factor?
Ans : Graham Greene

10034 : Hatsheput Who is considered as the first women ruler of the world ?
Ans : Egyptian Queen

10035 : The total number of bones in human skull is ?
Ans : 29

Author: Freshers