General Knowledge – Basic – 030

4381 : Who is the author of Talisman ?
Ans : Sir Walter Scott

4382 : Who is the author of ” Rehasyam “?
Ans : Karoor Neelakanda Pillai

4383 : Which is an eye ailment that causes increased pressure within the eye ball?
Ans : Glaucoma

4384 : Who is the author of “Satanic Verses”?
Ans : Salman Rushdie

4385 : Whis is the Oldest living plant of the world ?
Ans : Pinus

4386 : Who is the author of “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”?
Ans : Edward Gibbon

4387 : Most important example of Greek architecture?
Ans : Temple of Parthenon

4388 : The writing system of the Sumerians was known as?
Ans : Cunieform

4389 : Who is the author of ” Between the lines”?
Ans : Kuldip Nayar

4390 : Who discovered Blood Circulation system in(1628)
Ans : William Harvey

4391 : The tutelary diety of the city ‘UR’ in Mesopotamia ?
Ans : Nannar

4392 : Who is the author of “Hindi Swaraj”?
Ans : Gandhiji

4393 : Largest Desert (India)?
Ans : Thar Desert (Rajasthan)

4394 : National Sugar Research Institute is located at?
Ans : Kanpur (U.P.)

4395 : Which American President said ‘The Chief business of America is business”?
Ans : Kalvin Koolinch

Author: Freshers