Apache Spark, a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system, provides high-level APIs in various programming languages like Java, Scala, Python, and R, along with an optimized engine supporting general computation graphs. One of the many powerful functionalities that PySpark provides is the ability to perform various types of join operations on datasets.
This article will explore how to perform the following types of join operations in PySpark using the DataFrame API:
- Inner Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
- Full Outer Join
- Left Semi Join
- Left Anti Join
- Joins with Multiple Conditions
To illustrate these join operations, we will use two sample data frames – ‘freshers_personal_details’ and ‘freshers_academic_details’.
Sample Data
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('JoinExample').getOrCreate()
freshers_personal_details = spark.createDataFrame([
('1', 'Sachin', 'New York'),
('2', 'Shekar', 'Bangalore'),
('3', 'Antony', 'Chicago'),
('4', 'Sharat', 'Delhi'),
('5', 'Vijay', 'London'),
], ['Id', 'Name', 'City'])
freshers_academic_details = spark.createDataFrame([
('1', 'Computer Science', 'MIT', '3.8'),
('2', 'Electrical Engineering', 'Stanford', '3.5'),
('3', 'Physics', 'Princeton', '3.9'),
('6', 'Mathematics', 'Harvard', '3.7'),
('7', 'Chemistry', 'Yale', '3.6'),
], ['Id', 'Major', 'University', 'GPA'])
Inner Join
The inner join in PySpark returns rows from both data frames where key records of the first data frame match the key records of the second data frame.
inner_join_df = freshers_personal_details.join(freshers_academic_details, on=['Id'], how='inner')
| Id| Name| City| Major|University|GPA|
| 1|Sachin| New York| Computer Science| MIT|3.8|
| 2|Shekar|Bangalore|Electrical Engine...| Stanford|3.5|
| 3|Antony| Chicago| Physics| Princeton|3.9|
Left Join (Left Outer Join)
The left join in PySpark returns all rows from the first data frame along with the matching rows from the second data frame. If there is no match, the result is NULL on the right side.
left_join_df = freshers_personal_details.join(freshers_academic_details, on=['Id'], how='left')
| Id| Name| City| Major|University| GPA|
| 1|Sachin| New York| Computer Science| MIT| 3.8|
| 2|Shekar|Bangalore|Electrical Engine...| Stanford| 3.5|
| 3|Antony| Chicago| Physics| Princeton| 3.9|
| 5| Vijay| London| null| null|null|
| 4|Sharat| Delhi| null| null|null|
Right Join (Right Outer Join)
The right join in PySpark returns all rows from the second data frame and the matching rows from the first data frame. If there is no match, the result is NULL on the left side.
right_join_df = freshers_personal_details.join(freshers_academic_details, on=['Id'], how='right')
| Id| Name| City| Major|University|GPA|
| 1|Sachin| New York| Computer Science| MIT|3.8|
| 2|Shekar|Bangalore|Electrical Engine...| Stanford|3.5|
| 7| null| null| Chemistry| Yale|3.6|
| 3|Antony| Chicago| Physics| Princeton|3.9|
| 6| null| null| Mathematics| Harvard|3.7|
Full Outer Join
The full outer join in PySpark returns all rows from both data frames where there is a match in either of the data frames.
full_outer_join_df = freshers_personal_details.join(freshers_academic_details, on=['Id'], how='outer')
| Id| Name| City| Major|University| GPA|
| 1|Sachin| New York| Computer Science| MIT| 3.8|
| 2|Shekar|Bangalore|Electrical Engine...| Stanford| 3.5|
| 3|Antony| Chicago| Physics| Princeton| 3.9|
| 4|Sharat| Delhi| null| null|null|
| 5| Vijay| London| null| null|null|
| 6| null| null| Mathematics| Harvard| 3.7|
| 7| null| null| Chemistry| Yale| 3.6|
Left Semi Join
The left semi join in PySpark returns all the rows from the first data frame where there is a match in the second data frame on the key.
left_semi_join_df = freshers_personal_details.join(freshers_academic_details, on=['Id'], how='leftsemi')
| Id| Name| City|
| 1|Sachin| New York|
| 2|Shekar|Bangalore|
| 3|Antony| Chicago|
Left Anti Join
left_anti_join_df = freshers_personal_details.join(freshers_academic_details, on=['Id'], how='leftanti')
| Id| Name| City|
| 5| Vijay|London|
| 4|Sharat| Delhi|
Joins with Multiple Conditions
In PySpark, we can also perform join operations based on multiple conditions.
freshers_additional_details = spark.createDataFrame([
('1', 'Sachin', 'Python'),
('2', 'Shekar', 'Java'),
('3', 'Sanjo', 'C++'),
('6', 'Rakesh', 'Scala'),
('7', 'Sorya', 'JavaScript'),
], ['Id', 'Name', 'Programming_Language'])
# Perform inner join based on multiple conditions
multi_condition_join_df = freshers_personal_details.join(
(freshers_personal_details['Id'] == freshers_additional_details['Id']) &
(freshers_personal_details['Name'] == freshers_additional_details['Name']),
| Id| Name| City| Id| Name|Programming_Language|
| 1|Sachin| New York| 1|Sachin| Python|
| 2|Shekar|Bangalore| 2|Shekar| Java|
Spark important urls to refer