Snowflake : Returning the identifier of the current transaction for a session in Snowflake

What is CURRENT_TRANSACTION in Snowflake?

CURRENT_TRANSACTION is a function in Snowflake that returns the identifier of the current transaction for a session. Transactions are crucial in any database system as they ensure that a set of operations are completed successfully and reliably.

In Snowflake, a transaction ID is a unique identifier associated with each transaction. By using the CURRENT_TRANSACTION function, you can retrieve the ID of the active transaction within the current session.

Why is it Useful?

Understanding and tracking your transactions is essential for several reasons:

Debugging and Tracking: By having a transaction ID at your disposal, you can monitor or trace specific operations back to a particular transaction.

Auditing: For data governance or compliance purposes, knowing which operations were part of which transactions can be invaluable.

Control: It provides a means to programmatically check or use the transaction ID in scripts or automation.

Real-World Example with Data

Let’s delve into a practical example to understand its application better.

Suppose we have a orders table, and we’re about to make several changes. Before doing so, we want to retrieve and log the transaction ID.

-- Start a new transaction

-- Insert a new record into the orders table
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, product_name, quantity) VALUES (12345, 'Laptop', 1);

-- Retrieve the current transaction ID

Assuming the transaction ID returned is freshers123. You can now log this, or use it for any other purpose.

Continuing our operations:

-- Update an existing record
UPDATE orders SET quantity = 2 WHERE order_id = 12345;

-- Commit the transaction

In the event of an unexpected issue or error, you now have the transaction ID freshers123 that encompasses both the insert and update operations. This can be invaluable for tracing back operations, debugging, or auditing purposes.

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