Shell : Connecting to a remote server and execute a series of Git commands

Shell Scripting @
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$server" "cd ~/work/${project_name}/; git fetch; git checkout $GIT_BRANCH; git pull

The command will use the Secure Shell (SSH) to connect to a remote server and execute a series of Git commands in a specific directory. Let’s break it down:

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no “$server”: This command is used to connect to the remote server specified by the $server variable. The -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no option is telling SSH to automatically add new host keys to the host file, and to not prompt the user for confirmation. This is typically used in scripts to prevent the script from halting when trying to connect to an unfamiliar server. However, it’s worth noting that disabling strict host key checking can lead to potential security issues (such as Man-in-the-Middle attacks).

cd ~/work/${project_name}/; git fetch; git checkout $GIT_BRANCH; git pull“: This portion of the command is being sent to the remote server to execute:

cd ~/work/${project_name}/;: This command changes the current directory to ~/work/${project_name}/ on the remote server, where ~ denotes the home directory of the user, and ${project_name} is a variable that holds the name of the project.

git fetch;: This command fetches branches and/or tags from one or more repositories, along with the objects necessary to complete their histories. It doesn’t make any changes to the local working directory.

git checkout $GIT_BRANCH;: This command switches to the branch specified by the $GIT_BRANCH variable in the Git repository.

git pull;: This command updates the local version of a repository from a remote. It’s essentially a git fetch followed by a git merge. In this case, it’s pulling the latest changes from the current branch ($GIT_BRANCH) that has just been checked out.

Please note that the variable names enclosed in the $ sign ($server, ${project_name}, $GIT_BRANCH) are placeholders for actual values. These variables would have been defined earlier in the script or in the environment.

Author: user

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