Create an asynchronous iterator using Python : aiter()

python @

Python’s aiter() function, introduced in version 3.10, is an asynchronous iterator. It’s used to create an async iterable object from an object that implements the aiter method. This functionality is crucial in asynchronous programming, allowing for cleaner, more efficient handling of concurrent tasks.


# Python 3.7+
#Learning @
import asyncio
class AsyncCounter:
    def __init__(self, stop):
        self.current = 0
        self.stop = stop

    def __aiter__(self):
        return self

    async def __anext__(self):
        if self.current < self.stop:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)  # Simulate async operation
            self.current += 1
            return self.current
            raise StopAsyncIteration

async def main():
    async for i in AsyncCounter(5):

When to use:

aiter() is best used when you need to iterate over items asynchronously, like handling multiple I/O-bound tasks concurrently without blocking the main thread, improving performance in I/O-bound scenarios.


  1. Non-Blocking: Enables handling multiple operations without waiting for each one to complete, utilizing system resources efficiently.
  2. Code Organization: Makes code easier to read and write when dealing with asynchronous iterations.


  1. Complexity: Asynchronous code can be more complex to understand and debug, especially for those new to async programming.
  2. Limited Use Case: Not beneficial for CPU-bound tasks, as it’s designed for scenarios where concurrency is required for I/O-bound operations.

Refer more on python here :
Refer more on python here : PySpark 

Author: user