Redirecting standard error to a file in shell scripts

Shell Scripting @

Shell scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks and managing system processes. While writing shell scripts, it’s essential to handle errors gracefully. One common technique is redirecting standard error (stderr) to a file. This allows you to capture error messages, diagnose issues, and keep your scripts running smoothly.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of redirecting standard error to a file in shell scripts. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions and real-world examples to help you master this crucial skill.

Why redirect standard error?

Before diving into the how, let’s understand the why. Redirecting standard error is useful for several reasons:

  1. Error Logging: You can create detailed error logs to track issues and troubleshoot problems.
  2. Automation: It enables automated error handling, allowing scripts to continue executing even when errors occur.
  3. Debugging: Redirected error messages can aid in debugging and identifying the root causes of issues.

Step 1: Basic syntax

To redirect standard error to a file, you’ll use the 2> operator followed by the file name. Here’s the basic syntax:

command 2> error.log

In this example, command represents the shell command or script you want to execute, and error.log is the name of the file where stderr will be redirected.

Step 2: Redirecting standard error in Practice

Let’s illustrate this with a real-world example. Suppose you have a script named that generates an error:

echo "This is a normal message"
echo "This is an error message" >&2

In the script above, we intentionally generate an error message using >&2. To redirect this error to a file, modify your script like this:

echo "This is a normal message"
echo "This is an error message" >&2 2> error.log

In the script above, we intentionally generate an error message using >&2. To redirect this error to a file, modify your script like this:

echo "This is a normal message"
echo "This is an error message" >&2 2> error.log

Now, when you run, the error message will be redirected to the error.log file.

Step 3: Appending to Error Logs

If you want to append error messages to an existing error log file, use 2>> instead of 2>:

command 2>> error.log

This way, you won’t overwrite existing error logs, and you’ll have a historical record of errors.

Redirecting standard error to a file is a fundamental skill for effective shell scripting. It helps you manage errors, automate tasks, and maintain system stability.

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Author: user