Olive Keelback : Atretium schistosum

Snakes of World

The Olive Keelback (Atretium schistosum) is a non-venomous snake found in Southeast Asia. Here is a detailed article about this species, including its description, scalation, appearance, natural history, habitat, behavior, reproduction, location, and venom. The Olive Keelback is a slender and elongated snake, with a length that can reach up to 80 cm. It has a narrow head and a distinct neck, and its body is cylindrical in shape. The dorsal coloration of the snake ranges from olive green to brown, with a darker stripe running along the spine. The belly is cream or yellowish in color, and the scales are smooth.


The Olive Keelback has a unique scalation pattern that can help distinguish it from other snake species. Here are some details about its scalation:

  1. Dorsal Scales: The snake has smooth dorsal scales arranged in 17 rows at midbody. The scales are weakly keeled and reduce in size towards the tail.
  2. Ventrals: The ventral scales are smooth and shiny, and the number of ventrals varies between 138-161.
  3. Subcaudals: The subcaudals are paired, and the number of subcaudals varies between 40-50.
  4. Anal Plate: The anal plate is divided.
  5. Head Scales: The head of the Olive Keelback is elongated and distinct, and the head scales are small and smooth. It has a single large supraocular scale, and a pair of large postocular scales.
  6. Eye Scales: The snake has large eyes with round pupils. The eye scales are small, with a single preocular and two postocular scales.


The Olive Keelback has a sleek and slender body with a unique coloration pattern. Its dorsal coloration can vary from olive green to brown, with a darker stripe running along the spine. The belly is cream or yellowish in color. The snake has a narrow head and a distinct neck.

Natural History

The Olive Keelback is a diurnal and semi-aquatic snake, found near streams and water bodies in Southeast Asia. It feeds on fish, frogs, and other small aquatic animals. The snake is known for its ability to swim and dive for long periods, aided by its laterally compressed tail. It is a non-venomous species and is generally harmless to humans.


The Olive Keelback is found in various habitats, including streams, marshes, wetlands, and rice fields, in Southeast Asia. It is commonly found in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos.


The Olive Keelback is a diurnal species, and it is most active during the day. It is a semi-aquatic species and is often found near water bodies. The snake is known for its ability to swim and dive for long periods, aided by its laterally compressed tail. When threatened, it may flatten its body and raise its head in a defensive posture.


The Olive Keelback is oviparous, with females laying eggs in clutches of 2-6 in the summer. The eggs hatch after an incubation period of 50-60 days.


The Olive Keelback is found in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos.


The Olive Keelback is a non-venomous species and is generally harmless to humans. It does not possess any venom or toxic substances that can harm humans or other animals.

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