Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs) in Data Warehousing: Unveiling Types 1, 2, and 3

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Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs) play a pivotal role in maintaining historical data integrity within a data warehouse. They are crucial for preserving the context of data changes over time, which is essential for accurate reporting and analysis. SCDs are categorized into three main types: Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Each type offers a distinct approach to handling changes in dimension attributes. Let’s delve into each type with examples and outputs:

Type 1: Overwrite

In Type 1 SCD, the new data overwrites the existing data without preserving any historical information. This method is suitable when historical changes are irrelevant or when storage space is limited. However, it lacks the ability to track historical changes.

Example: Consider a customer dimension table:

CustomerID Name Age City
101 John Doe 35 New York
102 Jane Smith 28 Los Angeles

Now, suppose John Doe moves to Boston. With Type 1 SCD, the table would be updated as follows:

CustomerID Name Age City
101 John Doe 35 Boston
102 Jane Smith 28 Los Angeles

Type 2: Add New Row

In Type 2 SCD, a new row is added to the dimension table to accommodate the changed data, while retaining the original row to preserve historical information. Each row is assigned a surrogate key for identification.

Example: Expanding upon the previous example, if we use Type 2 SCD:

SurrogateKey CustomerID Name Age City StartDate EndDate
1 101 John Doe 35 New York 01/01/2022 02/15/2024
2 101 John Doe 35 Boston 02/16/2024 NULL
3 102 Jane Smith 28 Los Angeles 01/01/2022 NULL

Type 3: Add New Column

Type 3 SCD involves adding new columns to the dimension table to store both the current and previous values of specific attributes, providing a compromise between Types 1 and 2.

Example: Extending the previous scenario with a Type 3 SCD approach:

CustomerID Name Age City_Current City_Previous
101 John Doe 35 Boston New York
102 Jane Smith 28 Los Angeles Los Angeles

Each SCD type has its advantages and limitations, and choosing the appropriate type depends on the specific requirements of the data warehousing project. By understanding the nuances of Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 SCDs, data professionals can effectively design and manage data warehouses to support accurate analysis and decision-making.

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