General Knowledge – Basic – 063

9421 : Who is the author of “Scholar Extraordinary”?
Ans : Nirad C. Chauduri

9422 : Who is the author of “Devadasi”?
Ans : Sugathakumari

9423 : Who is the author of ” Burial at Sea”?
Ans : Khushwant Singh

9424 : Largest Forest (India)?
Ans : Assam

9425 : The Currency of Ivory Coast?
Ans : Franc CFA

9426 : Which is the legal tender in a modem society?
Ans : Currency notes

9427 : Who is the author of “Nirmala”?
Ans : Prem Chand

9428 : First American President to die in harness was?
Ans : Wilham Henry Harrison

9429 : Who is the author of “Super Power”?
Ans : Raghav Bahd

9430 : Who is the author of “Farewell to Arms”?
Ans : Ernest Hemingway

9431 : Who is the author of Wonder That Was India ?
Ans : A L Basham

9432 : Largest endocrine gland human body is ?
Ans : Thyroid gland

9433 : Who is the author of “Ulysses”?
Ans : James Joyce

9434 : Who is the author of “Gathering Storm”?
Ans : Winston Churchill

9435 : Amerigo Vespucci who identified America belonged to?
Ans : Italy

Author: Freshers