General Knowledge – Basic – 063

9376 : Who is the author of “Glimpses of World History”?
Ans : Jawaharlal Nehru

9377 : Who is the author of “Tamerlaine the Great”?
Ans : Marlows Christopher

9378 : The scientific name of Man is?
Ans : Homo sapiens

9379 : Who is the author of Life and Times?
Ans : V.V.Giri

9380 : Which was the first Axis Power to surrender in the First World War?
Ans : Italy

9381 : Who was the owner of “Swadesha bhimani”?
Ans : Vakkam Abdul Khadir Maulavi

9382 : Who is the author of “Eternal Himalayas”?
Ans : H.P.S.Ahluwalia

9383 : Which Diwan established law court in Kochi?
Ans : Col. Munro in 1812 AD

9384 : Mamography test is used to diagnose?
Ans : Breast Cancer

9385 : Plant ecology is the study of ?
Ans : Role of plants in the environment

9386 : The year in which RavindranadaTagore visited Sree Narayana Guru was?
Ans : 1922

9387 : The highest Court in China is ?
Ans : The Supreme People’s Court

9388 : Hari Pachanan;
Ans : C.V.Ramanpilla

9389 : Who is the author of “Verukal”?
Ans : Malayattoor Ramakrishnan

9390 : Who is the author of “Nilambari”?
Ans : Sachchidananda Vatsyayan

Author: Freshers