Biology basic Q and A (03)

421 : The scientific name of Tea is?
Ans : Camellia Sinensis

422 : The scientific name of Penguin is?
Ans : Aptenodytes forsteri

423 : Which is an instrument used for examining the outer ear and ear drum is ?
Ans : Otoscope

424 : Father of Genetherapy?
Ans : Anderson

425 : Presence of blood in urine is called?
Ans : Haematuria.

426 : Araucaria embricate a gymnosperm plant is commonly known as ?
Ans : ‘Monkey’s Puzzle’

427 : Widal Test is used to diagnose?
Ans : Typhoid

428 : Malaria is caused by ?
Ans : Plasmodium vivax

429 : Who is the inventor of Pressure Cooker?
Ans : Dennis Papin Robert Boyle

430 : Father of Microbiology?
Ans : Louis Pasteur

431 : Pineal gland that secretes the hormone melatonin and seratonin; is also known as ?
Ans : Biological Clock

432 : A person with group AB can receive any other group. So AB is called?
Ans : Universal Recipient

433 : Who is the inventor of Seismograph?
Ans : Robert Mallet

434 : Smallest Cell?
Ans : Pleuro Pneumonia Like organism (PPLO). It is a mycoplasma.

435 : The animals feeding on blood are known as?
Ans : Sanguivores

Author: Freshers