Author: user

Explain distributed cache in Hadoop ?

Distributed cache is a facility provided by Hadoop map reduce framework to access small file needed by application during its…

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What are the Python Modules provided in AWS Glue

AWS Glue version 2.0 supports the following python modules. Note : Different Glue versions support different Python versions. boto3==1.12.4 botocore==1.15.4…

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In Snowflake how to Encrypts a BINARY value using a BINARY key ?

ENCRYPT_RAW is used to Encrypts a BINARY value using a BINARY key. Syntax ENCRYPT_RAW( <value_to_encrypt> , <key> , <iv> ,…

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python @

What are the different Python List Methods?

In Python Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. There are multiple built-in methods that you can use…

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python @

What are the Unix Specific Services in Python ?

The following are the unix specific services in Python posix : The most common POSIX system calls (This module provides…

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