Transforming Spark DataFrame to HTML Tables with Pandas API : to_html()


In the realm of big data analytics, effective data visualization is paramount for conveying insights and facilitating decision-making. While Apache Spark offers robust capabilities for processing vast datasets, presenting results in an easily digestible format remains essential. Enter the Pandas API on Spark, bridging the functionality of Pandas with the scalability of Spark. In this article, we explore how to leverage the DataFrame.to_html() function to effortlessly render Spark DataFrame as interactive HTML tables. The Pandas API on Spark empowers users to seamlessly bridge the gap between Spark’s scalability and Pandas’ flexibility, facilitating efficient data manipulation and visualization. By utilizing the DataFrame.to_html() function, data professionals can effortlessly convert Spark DataFrame objects into interactive HTML tables, enhancing data presentation and sharing.

Introduction to DataFrame.to_html() Function

The to_html() function in Pandas API on Spark enables users to convert Spark DataFrame objects into HTML tables, facilitating seamless data visualization. This function empowers data analysts and engineers to generate visually appealing and interactive representations of their data, suitable for sharing and presentation purposes.

Understanding the Parameters

Before diving into examples, let’s explore the parameters of the to_html() function:

  • buf: Specifies the buffer to write the HTML content. It can be a file path or an in-memory buffer.
  • columns: Optional parameter to select specific columns to include in the HTML output.
  • col_space: Specifies the width of each column in the HTML table.
  • : Additional optional parameters for customization, such as styling options and table attributes.

Example: Converting Spark DataFrame to HTML Table

Let’s illustrate the usage of to_html() with a practical example. Suppose we have a Spark DataFrame containing sales data, and we want to generate an HTML table to visualize these results.

# Import necessary libraries
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pandas as pd

# Initialize SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("DataFrameToHTML") \

# Sample DataFrame creation (replace with your actual DataFrame)
data = [("John", 1000), ("Alice", 1500), ("Bob", 2000)]
columns = ["Name", "Sales"]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Convert DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame
pandas_df = df.toPandas()

# Convert Pandas DataFrame to HTML table
html_table = pandas_df.to_html(index=False)

# Display the HTML table

# Stop SparkSession


<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
Author: user