Dividing an array into multiple smaller arrays along a specified axis using NumPy’s np.split

np.split is one such function that allows you to divide an array into multiple smaller arrays along a specified axis. It provides a flexible way to partition data for analysis and processing.

What is np.split?

np.split is a NumPy function used to split an array into smaller subarrays along a specified axis. It takes an array and divides it into equal-sized or user-defined sections, producing multiple subarrays. The result is typically a list of subarrays.

The function signature of np.split is as follows:

numpy.split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0)

ary: The input array to be split.
indices_or_sections: This parameter determines how the array should be split. It can be an integer specifying the number of equal-sized sections, or a list of indices specifying the split points.
axis: Specifies the axis along which the splitting should occur. Default is 0 (split along rows).

Purpose of np.split

The primary purpose of np.split is to divide an array into smaller, more manageable subarrays for analysis, processing, or visualization. Some common use cases and purposes of np.split include:

  1. Data Segmentation: Splitting a dataset into training and testing sets for machine learning.
  2. Time Series Analysis: Dividing a time series data into shorter segments for analysis.
  3. Parallel Processing: Splitting data for parallel computation across multiple processors or threads.

Advantages of np.split

  1. Flexibility: np.split offers flexibility in defining how an array should be split, allowing for custom partitioning.
  2. Memory Efficiency: It doesn’t create unnecessary copies of the data; instead, it returns views of the original array, conserving memory.
  3. Parallelization: It facilitates parallel processing of data by splitting it into smaller chunks that can be processed concurrently.

Disadvantages of np.split

  1. Equal-sized Sections: When using an integer to specify the number of sections, it may not evenly divide the array, leading to unequal-sized subarrays.
  2. Custom Split Points: Specifying custom split points requires careful handling of indices, and improper choices can result in unexpected outcomes.


Let’s demonstrate how to use np.split with a simple Python code snippet:

Specify equal-sized sections: Ensure that the number of sections you specify for splitting evenly divides the size of the array. For example, if you have an array of size 10, you can split it into 2, 5, or 10 equal-sized sections.

import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
# Split into 2 equal-sized sections
split_arr = np.split(arr, 2)

Use custom split points: If you want to specify custom split points, make sure that the provided split points result in equal-sized subarrays. You can calculate the split points based on the size of the array.

import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
# Split at indices [2, 5, 8] to create equal-sized subarrays
split_indices = [2, 5, 8]
split_arr = np.split(arr, split_indices)

Use np.array_split: If you want to split an array into equal-sized sections regardless of whether the size is evenly divisible, you can use np.array_split. This function allows for unequal-sized splits when needed.

import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
# Split into 3 sections (unequal-sized)
split_arr = np.array_split(arr, 3)

Use case: Data splitting for machine learning

A common real-world use case for np.split is in machine learning, specifically in data preprocessing. When preparing data for training machine learning models, it’s essential to split the data into distinct subsets, typically for training, validation, and testing purposes.

For example, consider a dataset containing features and labels. By using np.split, you can divide this dataset into training and testing sets, ensuring that the model trains on one subset and evaluates its performance on another. This separation helps assess the model’s generalization to unseen data.

Additionally, when performing cross-validation, you may need to split the dataset into multiple subsets (folds) for iterative model training and evaluation. np.split can be used to create these data folds efficiently.

By using np.split, data scientists can precisely control how data is divided for training, validation, and testing, ensuring robust model development and evaluation.

Refer more on python here :

Refer more on python NumPy here

Author: user