GIT : Stashes the changes in GIT

The complete command to use when working with Git’s stash feature is git stash. However, there are several options and subcommands you can use with it to perform specific actions. Here are some commonly used ones:

git stash save <message>: Stashes the changes in your working directory, saving them for later use. The <message> is an optional description for the stash.

git stash list: Lists all stashes you have created.

git stash apply <stash>: Applies the changes from a specific stash to your working directory without removing it. You need to specify the <stash> as a reference, such as stash@{2}, which represents the second stash.

git stash pop: Applies the changes from the most recent stash to your working directory and removes it from the stash list.

git stash drop <stash>: Removes a specific stash from the stash list. Specify the <stash> to drop, such as stash@{0}.

git stash clear: Removes all stashes from the stash list.

These are just a few of the commonly used commands for working with Git’s stash feature. For more details and additional options, you can refer to the official Git documentation or use git stash –help to see the complete list of available options.

Author: user

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