Comparing Git branch differences while ignoring specific directories

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of comparing differences between two Git branches, and we’ll also show you how to exclude specific directories from this comparison.


Before you proceed, ensure:

  1. You have Git installed on your machine.
  2. You’re located within the Git repository where your branches exist.

1. Comparing differences between two Git branches:

To see the differences between your current branch and the master branch, you can use the git diff command. Here’s a general structure of the command:

git diff <branch1>..<branch2> --name-only

For your specific scenario:

git diff master..freshers-in-JIRA-1988 --name-only

This command will provide a list of files that differ between the master branch and the freshers-in-JIRA-1988 branch.

2. Ignoring changes in specific directories:

If you’d like to ignore changes in a specific directory while comparing two branches, you can utilize the ‘:(exclude)path_to_directory/’ notation with the git diff command.

Here’s how you can compare differences while ignoring changes made in the /temp/files/ directory:

git diff master..freshers-in-JIRA-1988 --name-only ':!temp/files/'

This command will give you the differences between the two branches, but it will exclude any changes present in the /temp/files/ directory.

3. Compare file changes between branches for a specific directory

If you’re aiming to compare the freshers-in-JIRA-1988 branch with the master branch, specifically to see file changes inside the freshers/credentials/ directory, you can use the git diff command.

Ensure you have the latest information from your remote repository:

Before you start comparing, it’s a good idea to make sure you have the most recent updates from your remote repository.

git fetch origin

Compare file changes between branches for a specific directory:

Navigate to your repository’s root directory, then use the git diff command with the required path:

git diff master..freshers-in-JIRA-1988 -- freshers/credentials/

This command will show the detailed differences between the two branches for files within the freshers/credentials/ directory.

List only the changed files:

If you’re only interested in seeing which files have changed, rather than the specific lines that have changed, you can use the –name-only option:

git diff master..freshers-in-JIRA-1988 --name-only -- freshers/credentials/

This will give you a list of files within freshers/credentials/ that differ between the freshers-in-JIRA-1988 branch and the master branch.

Author: user

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