Testing Airflow DAGs with the “dags test”

Apache Airflow

One of the fundamental aspects of orchestrating workflows in Apache Airflow is ensuring that your DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) function as expected. A faulty DAG can lead to a variety of problems, from data inconsistencies to operational failures. To help users verify their DAGs, Airflow provides the “dags test” command. In this article, we’ll delve into the specifics of this command, exploring its usage and benefits.

The Importance of Testing in Airflow:

Testing is a crucial step in the development and deployment of DAGs. Even a minor oversight in the DAG structure or logic can lead to disruptions. By testing DAGs, you can:

1. Ensure tasks run in the correct order.

2. Validate the logic and execution of operators.

3. Spot potential errors before they affect production workflows.

Introduction to the “dags test” Command:

The “dags test” command lets you run tasks in a DAG for a specific execution date. This “test mode” doesn’t record the task runs in the metadata database, meaning it’s a safe way to check a DAG’s behavior without altering your Airflow environment’s state.

Command Syntax:

To use the “dags test” command, follow this format:

airflow dags test <DAG_ID> <EXECUTION_DATE>

<DAG_ID>: The identifier of the DAG you want to test.

<EXECUTION_DATE>: The execution date for which you want to test the DAG. This date should be provided in the ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format.


Let’s consider a basic DAG named freshers_in_sample_dag:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
default_args = {
    'owner': 'airflow',
    'start_date': datetime(2023, 1, 1),
    'retries': 1,
    'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5)
dag = DAG('freshers_in_sample_dag',
          description='A basic tutorial DAG',
start = DummyOperator(task_id='start_task', dag=dag)
end = DummyOperator(task_id='end_task', dag=dag)
start >> end

To test this DAG for the execution date ‘2023-01-01’, you’d run:

airflow dags test freshers_in_sample_dag 2023-01-01

The command will execute the tasks in the DAG for the provided date, displaying logs that allow you to track the task runs and spot any potential issues.

Consider the below :

Statelessness: The “dags test” command doesn’t mark the tasks as success or failure in the database, ensuring no interference with your production runs.

Logs: Pay attention to the logs generated during the test. They provide insights into task execution, dependencies, and any errors that might arise.

Execution Date: The execution date doesn’t necessarily have to be a date in the future. You can use past dates to test the behavior of a DAG for a previous day.

Benefits of Using “dags test”:

Safe Testing Environment: Since tasks don’t alter the database state, there’s no risk to your production setup.

Immediate Feedback: You can quickly spot and rectify issues in the DAG logic or structure.

Flexibility: You can test DAGs for different execution dates to ensure consistency and correctness over time.

Read more on Airflow here :
Author: user

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