Translating timezone handling from Redshift to Snowflake


When migrating or synchronizing data workflows between different cloud data platforms, subtle differences in SQL function implementations can become a challenge. One common task in data processing and analytics is handling time zones. Both Amazon Redshift and Snowflake offer robust capabilities in this regard, but with different nuances.

Amazon Redshift:

In Amazon Redshift, the function to fetch the current date and time is SYSDATE. To convert this timestamp to a specific time zone, you would use the convert_timezone function. For instance, to get the current date in the ‘AMERICA/NEW_YORK’ time zone and truncate the time portion, the SQL would look like:

TRUNC(convert_timezone('AMERICA/NEW_YORK', SYSDATE))


Snowflake uses a different naming convention and offers the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() function to retrieve the current date and time. To achieve a similar effect as in Redshift, Snowflake’s CONVERT_TIMEZONE function can be used, but with a slight twist in the timezone’s naming convention:


Note the change from ‘AMERICA/NEW_YORK’ in Redshift to ‘America/New_York’ in Snowflake. Such minor but crucial differences emphasize the importance of thorough testing and validation when migrating across platforms.

While both Amazon Redshift and Snowflake provide comprehensive tools for data manipulation and analytics, nuances in function implementations require careful attention. 

Snowflake important urls to refer

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