Tag: kotlin

Kotlin @ Freshers.in

Inline vs Noinline in Kotlin: Enhancing performance and flexibility

In Kotlin, the concepts of inline and noinline functions play a critical role in optimizing performance, especially when dealing with…

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Kotlin @ Freshers.in

Lambdas in Kotlin: Streamlining code with functional programming

Lambdas in Kotlin are anonymous functions that can be used to implement functional programming concepts. This article explores their syntax,…

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Kotlin @ Freshers.in

Efficiently managing multiline strings in Kotlin

Multiline strings are a common necessity in programming, especially when dealing with large amounts of text or complex string formats….

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Kotlin @ Freshers.in

Handling strings that contain characters with special meanings such as XML or HTML markup using Kotlin

kotlinx Escaped Strings, introduced in Kotlin 1.5, are a powerful tool for handling strings that contain characters with special meanings,…

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Kotlin @ Freshers.in

Mastering time in Kotlin with kotlinx.datetime: clock – A comprehensive guide

This article delves into the intricacies of the Clock object within this library, providing a thorough understanding, complete with practical…

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Kotlin @ Freshers.in

Comparing two strings in Kotlin – Multiple ways with real example

In Kotlin, comparing two strings can be achieved in multiple ways. Depending on the nature of the comparison, you can…

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Kotlin @ Freshers.in

Element removal in Kotlin mutable lists

Kotlin doesn’t have a built-in type specifically called “array” that supports removal of elements, as arrays (Array<T>) in Kotlin have…

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