Tag: big_data_interview

AWS Glue @ Freshers.in

Optimizing data queries with AWS Glue and Amazon Athena

AWS Glue, a serverless data integration service, and Amazon Athena, an interactive query service, together offer a seamless solution for…

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AWS Glue @ Freshers.in

Mastering data partitioning in AWS Glue

This article explores how AWS Glue handles data partitioning during processing, supplemented by a real-world example. Understanding data partitioning in…

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AWS Glue @ Freshers.in

Ensuring data integrity with AWS Glue: A practical guide to data validation

In the world of big data, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data during ingestion is paramount. AWS Glue, a…

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PySpark @ Freshers.in

Replacing NaN (Not a Number) values with a specified value in a column : nanvl

The nanvl function in PySpark is used to replace NaN (Not a Number) values with a specified value in a…

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PySpark @ Freshers.in

Computing the average value of a numeric column in PySpark

The mean function in PySpark is used to compute the average value of a numeric column. This function is part…

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PySpark @ Freshers.in

Concatenating two or more maps into a single map : map_concat

The map_concat function in PySpark is designed to concatenate two or more maps into a single map. It merges key-value…

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PySpark @ Freshers.in

Removing leading spaces (spaces on the left side) from a string in PySpark

PySpark, a leading tool in big data processing, provides several functions for string manipulation, one of which is ltrim. This…

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PySpark @ Freshers.in

Adding a new column to a DataFrame with a constant value

The lit function in PySpark is a straightforward yet powerful tool for adding constant values as new columns in a…

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PySpark @ Freshers.in

Finding the position of a substring within a string using PySpark

pyspark.sql.functions.locate PySpark, a tool for handling large-scale data processing, offers a plethora of functions for string manipulation, one of which…

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