General Knowledge – Basic – 072

10711 : Who is the author of “Time Machine”?
Ans : H.G. Wells

10712 : Loneliest Island?
Ans : Tristan De Gumha (Mid. Atlantic)

10713 : Stock exchange Index of Tokyo is?
Ans : Nikkei

10714 : The Currency of Uganda?
Ans : Ugandan Shilling

10715 : Who is the only Chief Minister from Muslim Community?
Ans : C.H. Muhammed Koya

10716 : Who is the author of “Law Verses Justice”?
Ans : V.R. Krishna Iyer

10717 : Most abundant element in plant body is ?
Ans : Carbon

10718 : Who is the author of ” Enippadikal “?
Ans : Thakazhi Siva Sankara Pillai

10719 : Father of Biology ?
Ans : Aristotle

10720 : In which year Ireland was delinked from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland?
Ans : 1921

10721 : Controlling centre of the cell is ?
Ans : Nucleus

10722 : Which is the first District in India to have 100 percent literacy?
Ans : Ernakulam (1990)

10723 : In which country Democracy originated ?
Ans : Greece

10724 : World’s first test tube baby Louie Brown was born on?
Ans : 25th July 1978

10725 : Who is the author of The Warof Indian Independence ?
Ans : V.D.Sarvarkar

Author: Freshers