General Knowledge – Basic – 049

7456 : Egyptian civilisation flourished on the banks of ?
Ans : Nile river

7457 : Who is the author of “Unto This Last”?
Ans : John Ruskin

7458 : Who is the author of “The Namesake”?
Ans : Jumpa Lahiri

7459 : The Capital of Greece?
Ans : Athens

7460 : Who is the creator of the famous character “Tom Jones”
Ans : Henry Fielding

7461 : Who was the director of Chemmeen (1965)?
Ans : Ramu Kariat

7462 : Who is the author of Curtain Raisers ?
Ans : Natwar Singh

7463 : Who is the author of “I too Had a Dream”?
Ans : Dr. Varghese Kurian

7464 : Who compiled the first Malayalam Dictionary?
Ans : Herman Gundert (1814-1893)

7465 : First Russian Prime Minister to visit India?
Ans : V.I.Bulganin

7466 : Junko Tabei; the first woman to climb mount Everest was from ?
Ans : Japan

7467 : Who is the author of Saket Maithili?
Ans : Sharan Gupt

7468 : Japan surrendered before the Axis Powers on ?
Ans : 2-Sep-45

7469 : Who is the author of Hungry Stones ?
Ans : Rabindranath Tagore

7470 : Who is the author of “Three Musketeers”?
Ans : Alexander Dumas

Author: Freshers