General Knowledge – Basic – 009

1321 : Who is known as the “Child of the French Revolution”?
Ans : Napolean Bonaparte (1769-1821)

1322 : World War II (1935 – 1945) was fought between?
Ans : Axis powers (Germany; Italy and Japan) against the Allies (Great Britain; U.S.A.; U.S.S.R; China) Axis powers were defeated.

1323 : In India rolling plan was implemented by?
Ans : Janata Party Government

1324 : Which vedic school is popularly known as Nalanda of the South (Dakshina Nalanda)?
Ans : The Kanthalur Salai

1325 : Who is the author of “One World and India”?
Ans : Arnold Toynbee

1326 : Who is the author of ‘Nana’?
Ans : Emile Zola

1327 : Name the digestive enzyme that converts Maltose to glucose is ?
Ans : Maltase

1328 : In which year the second Indo-Pak war was fought?
Ans : 1971

1329 : The Capital of Monaco?
Ans : Monaco

1330 : Who is the author of Saz-i- Watan ?
Ans : Munshi Prem Chand

1331 : The term Bacteria was coined by ?
Ans : Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg in 1838.

1332 : Golden Age of Rome is the period of?
Ans : Augustus Caesar

1333 : Who is the author of “Days of His Grace”?
Ans : Eyvind Johnson

1334 : Who is the inventor of Laser?
Ans : Charles Townes

1335 : Who is the author of “West Wind”?
Ans : Pearl S Buck

Author: Freshers