Biology basic Q and A (05)

661 : Who created the first vaccine for anthrax ?
Ans : Louis Pasteur

662 : Controlling centre of the cell is ?
Ans : Nucleus

663 : Who is the inventor of Film (Musical)?
Ans : Lee de Forest

664 : Plants which grow in saline water are called?
Ans : Halophytes.

665 : Vitamin B5 is also called?
Ans : Pantothenic acid

666 : Malaria; an insect borne disease; is propagated by?
Ans : Anopheles female mosquito.

667 : Dengue fever is spread by?
Ans : Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.

668 : Manufacturing of urea takes place in ?
Ans : Liver

669 : Who is the inventor of Typewriter?
Ans : Sholes

670 : Name the India’s first indigenous genetically engineered Hepatitis – B vaccine?
Ans : Shanvac-B

671 : Who is the inventor of Rh-factor?
Ans : Karl Landsteiner

672 : A program used to browse the web is called ?
Ans : Browser.

673 : Oral Polio vaccine was discovered by ?
Ans : Albert Bruce Sabin (1955)

674 : Who is the inventor of Rubber (latex foam)?
Ans : Dunlop Co.

675 : Father of Taxonomy?
Ans : Carolus Linnaeus

Author: Freshers