General Knowledge – Basic – 055

8266 : Guruvayur Sathyagraha was started on ?
Ans : 1. November 1931.

8267 : Who wrote Centuries ?
Ans : Nostradamus

8268 : Insectivorous plants obtain nitrogen from ?
Ans : animal bodies.

8269 : The Capital of Tanzania?
Ans : Do doma

8270 : ‘Parankippadayali’ is a novel written by ?
Ans : K.M. Panicker.

8271 : Who is the author of “Road to Folly”?
Ans : Leslie Ford

8272 : Who is the author of Mein Kampf?
Ans : Adolf Hitler

8273 : Only South East Asian country never occupied by any European powers?
Ans : Thailand

8274 : Who is the author of “Gift of Wings”?
Ans : Shanthi Gopala

8275 : Largest Diamond Mines (World)?
Ans : Kimberley (South Africa)

8276 : Who is the author of “Much Ado About Nothing”?
Ans : Shakespeare

8277 : Who is the inventor of Gas Lighting?
Ans : William Murdock

8278 : Who is the creator of the famous characters “Appukili; Ravi; Mollakka”
Ans : OV.Vijayan

8279 : Who is the author of “India Wins Freedom”?
Ans : Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

8280 : Who killed Abraham Lincoln in 1865?
Ans : Wilks Booth

Author: Freshers