General Knowledge – Basic – 010

1441 : Who is the author of “Servants of India”?
Ans : RK Laxman

1442 : Which is the first malayalam cinemascope film?
Ans : Thacholi Ambu (1978) directed by Navodaya Appachan

1443 : Open Door Policy was introduced by?
Ans : USA

1444 : Who is the author of “Thieves in the Night”?
Ans : Arthur Koestler

1445 : In an electronic spreadsheet; intersection of a column and a row is called?
Ans : Cell

1446 : Who is the author of “An American Dilemma”?
Ans : Gunnar Myrdal

1447 : First Woman Chief Justice of a High Court?
Ans : Leela Seth

1448 : Who is the author of “Shakuntala”?
Ans : Kalidas

1449 : Who is the author of “Das Kapital”?
Ans : Karl Marx

1450 : Who is the creator of the famous character Micky Mouse?
Ans : Walt Disney

1451 : Who is the creator of the famous characters “Chemban Kunju; Koran”
Ans : Thakazhi

1452 : Who is the author of “Duravastha”?
Ans : Kumaranasan

1453 : The largest vain in a human body is called ?
Ans : Inferior venacava.

1454 : Country known as the nest of singing birds?
Ans : England

1455 : Land of Five Seas?
Ans : South West Asia

Author: Freshers