General Knowledge – Basic – 086

12796 : Who is the author of “It is Always Possible”?
Ans : Kiran Bedi

12797 : National Chemical Laboratory is located at?
Ans : Pune; (Maharashtra).

12798 : Who is the author of Rubaiyat ?
Ans : Omar Khayyam

12799 : Pattini Jatha’ was led by?
Ans : A.K. Gopalan in July 1936 from Kannur to Chennai.

12800 : The viruses eating (destroying) bacteria and were invented by d’Herelle ?
Ans : Bacteriophages

12801 : Who is the author of After the Dark Night?
Ans : S M.Ali

12802 : Which Language is considered as the Vehicle of Medieval Culture?
Ans : Latin Language

12803 : Indian Institute of Agricultural Research Institute is located at?
Ans : New Delhi.

12804 : Father of Bacteriology?
Ans : Robert Koch

12805 : The number of chambers in the heart of a bird is ?
Ans : Four.

12806 : Which was the capital city of Arakkal family; the only Muslim Sultanate of Kerala?
Ans : Kannur

12807 : Who is the author of Years of the Upheaval ?
Ans : Henry Kissinger

12808 : India’s first Eco-Tourism programme was started in 1998 in?
Ans : Thenmala in Kollam district

12809 : Who is the author of The Gathering?
Ans : Ann Enright

12810 : American President who was known as Smiling President?
Ans : Eisonhower

Author: Freshers