General Knowledge – Basic – 079

11761 : Powered by Intellect driven by values is the motto of ?
Ans : Infosys

11762 : SQL stands for?
Ans : Structured Query Language

11763 : Headquarters of OPEC is at ?
Ans : Vienna;(Austria)

11764 : Who is the author of “Around the World in Eighty Days”?
Ans : Jules Verne

11765 : Who is the author of ” Mayilpeeli”?
Ans : O.N.V Kurup

11766 : Who is the author of “Siddhartha”?
Ans : Herman Hesse

11767 : The Capital of Bahamas?
Ans : Nassau

11768 : Who is the inventor of Heavy Hydrogen?
Ans : H.C.Urey

11769 : ……is a company certificate to its creditors promising payment of a stated sum after a specific period of time at fixed rate of interest?
Ans : Debenture

11770 : Who is the creator of the famous character “N issar Ahammed;”?
Ans : Vaikom Muhammed Basheer

11771 : Who is the author of “Beginning of the Beginning”?
Ans : Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh

11772 : The first fully literate district in India was?
Ans : Ernakulam (1990 February)

11773 : The Capital of Kenya?
Ans : Nairobi

11774 : Which is the capital of Falkland Island?
Ans : Stanley

11775 : China was admitted to the UN in ?
Ans : 1971

Author: Freshers