General Knowledge – Basic – 071

10606 : Who is the creator of the famous characters “Brutus; Claudius; Cleopatra”?
Ans : Shakespeare

10607 : Who is the author of ” The Vendor of sweets”?
Ans : R.K. Narayan

10608 : The Theory of Money and Credit was written by ?
Ans : Ludwig von Mises

10609 : Who is the author of “Robe”?
Ans : The L.C. Douglas

10610 : Unification of Germany was done by ?
Ans : Bismark

10611 : Who is the author of ” Tharavadu and Oru Muri Tenga “?
Ans : P. Kesava Dev

10612 : ….is an economy in which there are economic activities between domestic community and outside?
Ans : Open economy

10613 : Thomas Cup is associated with?
Ans : World Badminton

10614 : The Currency of Tonga?
Ans : Pa’ Anga

10615 : Who is the creator of the famous character “Gulliver”
Ans : Jonathan Swift

10616 : Who is the author of India for Sale?
Ans : Chitra Subramaniam

10617 : Who became the ruler of Rome after Julius Caeser?
Ans : Octavian (Augustus Caesar)

10618 : Which city is known as Berminhatam of Central Africa?
Ans : City of Moro in Central Africa

10619 : The name Japan was originated from the name Zipangu. By whom was this name coined ?
Ans : Marco Polo

10620 : Who is the author of Patriot ?
Ans : Pearl S Buck

Author: Freshers