General Knowledge – Basic – 071

10531 : Central Institute of Languages is located at?
Ans : Mysore (Karnataka).

10532 : Who is the author of “Social Contract”?
Ans : Rousseau

10533 : Who is the author of Sons and Lovers?
Ans : D.H. Lawrence

10534 : The hero of Aeneid is ?
Ans : Aeneas

10535 : Who is the author of Search for Home; ?
Ans : A Sashti Brata

10536 : Who is the author of “Home and World”?
Ans : Rabindranath Tagore

10537 : Who is the inventor of Electrical Resistance?
Ans : Ohm

10538 : The Bank of France was established by?
Ans : Napolean

10539 : First European to visit China?
Ans : Marco Polo

10540 : The Capital of Mauritania?
Ans : Nouakchott

10541 : Largest Natural Harbour (India)?
Ans : Visakhapatnam

10542 : Who is the inventor of Parachute?
Ans : Andre-Jacques

10543 : The Currency of Singapore?
Ans : Singapore Dollar

10544 : Arboriculture is?
Ans : Cultivation of tree and vegetables.

10545 : Khartoun is on the bank of which River?
Ans : Confluence of Blue &White; Nile

Author: Freshers