General Knowledge – Basic – 052

7816 : Who is the greatest of the Greek dramatists; who wrote famous tragedies?
Ans : Aesceles

7817 : …………….is a blood circulation problem; resulting from accumulation of fatty deposits in the walls of the blood vessels; especially arteries?
Ans : Atherosclerosis

7818 : Who founded a university named’ Academy’ in Athens?
Ans : Plato

7819 : Longest Poem of the World?
Ans : Mahabaratha

7820 : Who is the author of “To Each His Stranger”?
Ans : S H Vatsyayan

7821 : The first Women Police Station started functioning in Kozhikode on?
Ans : 27-Oct-73

7822 : The Treaty of VersaiIle’s resulted in the foundation of ?
Ans : League of Nations in 1919

7823 : Who is the inventor of Penicillin?
Ans : Alexander Fleming

7824 : Who is the author of “‘Job for Millions'”?
Ans : V.V.Giri

7825 : Who is the author of “Divine Life”?
Ans : Swami Sivananda

7826 : The police of USA which helped Britain and France during the Second World War ?
Ans : Cash and Carry Policy

7827 : The Union of South Africa was formed in?
Ans : 1910

7828 : Indian Institute of Public Administration is located at?
Ans : New Delhi.

7829 : Who led the second expedition of the Portuguese to Kerala?
Ans : Pedro Alvarez Cabral.

7830 : Who is the author of Scenes from a writer’s life ?
Ans : Ruskin Bond

Author: Freshers