General Knowledge – Basic – 052

7936 : Egyptian script was pictographic in nature. It was known as?
Ans : Hierogliphics

7937 : Who is the author of “Thirukkural”?
Ans : Thiruvalluvar

7938 : Who is the author of Flight to Parliament?
Ans : Rajesh Pilot

7939 : Who is the author of “‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame'”?
Ans : Victor Hugo

7940 : Who is the author of Nineteen Eighty Four?
Ans : George Orwell

7941 : The Capital of Bosniaherzegovina?
Ans : Sarajevo

7942 : Who is the author of IlIiad ?
Ans : Homer

7943 : The first heart transplantation in Kerala was conducted at Cochin Medical Trust Hospital under the guidance of ?
Ans : Dr. Jose Chacko Periyapuram.

7944 : Who is the creator of the famous character Tom Jones?
Ans : Henry Fielding

7945 : Inter-relationship of DNA; RNA and Protein commonly called ?
Ans : Central Dogma of life.

7946 : SmallPox vaccine was discovered by ?
Ans : Edward Jenner (1786)

7947 : The Capital of Burundi?
Ans : Bujumbura

7948 : The Capital of South Africa?
Ans : Pretoria

7949 : Name the digestive enzyme that converts Fats to fatty acids and glycerol is?
Ans : Lipase(Pancreas)

7950 : Prices and Production was written by ?
Ans : Friedrich Hayek

Author: Freshers