General Knowledge – Basic – 047

7141 : The population of the world in 2011 is around ?
Ans : 7 billion

7142 : Whose birthday is celebrated as World Book Day on April 23?
Ans : William Shakespeare

7143 : Capitalism and Freedom was written by ?
Ans : Rose Friedman

7144 : Longest flying bird in the world is ?
Ans : Articturn

7145 : Who is the author of Antony and Cleopatra ?
Ans : William Shakespeare

7146 : An account of a memorable experience is known as?
Ans : Reminiscence

7147 : Land of Morning Calm?
Ans : Korea

7148 : Who is the inventor of Automobile (magneto)?
Ans : Daimler

7149 : Who was the Diwan of Marthanda Varma ?
Ans : Ramayyan Dalawa

7150 : Who is the author of “Kubla Khan”?
Ans : Coleridge

7151 : Who is the author of “Marthanda Varma”?
Ans : CV Raman Pillai

7152 : Who was the first Chief Minister of Travancore who assumed the title Diwan?
Ans : Raja Kesava Das

7153 : Who is the author of “Sceptred Flute”?
Ans : Sarojini Naidu

7154 : Where was the first Hydro Electric Project setup in Kerala ?
Ans : PaIIivassal

7155 : Who is the inventor of Microscope?
Ans : Jansen (improved by Galileo)

Author: Freshers