General Knowledge – Basic – 042

6316 : Who is the author of ” Step Across This Line”?
Ans : Salman Rushdie

6317 : Windy City?
Ans : Chicago

6318 : World’s Loneliest Island?
Ans : Tristan Da Cunha

6319 : Who is the author of Freedom at Midnight ?
Ans : Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre

6320 : Plants which grow in saline water are called?
Ans : Halophytes.

6321 : SEATO stands for?
Ans : South East Asian Treaty Organization

6322 : Largest Gulf?
Ans : Gulf of Mexico

6323 : The Capital of Singapore?
Ans : Singapore City

6324 : Who is the creator of the famous character “Gora; Chitra; Rehman; Mini”?
Ans : Rabindranath Tagore

6325 : Who was the First Malayali woman to participate in Olympics?
Ans : PT Usha (1980 Moscow Olympics)

6326 : Power Loom was invented by ?
Ans : Edmund Cartwright in 1785

6327 : Who is the author of Black Holes & Baby Universes ?
Ans : Stephan Hawking

6328 : Which is the highest mount in Japan?
Ans : Mount Fujiyama

6329 : Where was Ayyankali born ?
Ans : at Venganore in Trivandrum district; in 1863.

6330 : Who is the author of “Story of My Experiments with Truth “?
Ans : Gandhiji

Author: Freshers