General Knowledge – Basic – 036

5536 : Highest Leaning Tower (World)?
Ans : Leaning Tower; Pisa (Italy)

5537 : Which civilization invented water clock and sundial to know the time ?
Ans : Babilonian civilization

5538 : Who is the author of Sense and Sensibility ?
Ans : Jane Austen

5539 : Central Inland Fisheries Research Station is located at?
Ans : Barrackpore (W.Bengal)

5540 : Who is the inventor of Shorthand?
Ans : Pitman

5541 : Who is the author of “Chidambra”?
Ans : Sumitranandan Pant

5542 : Longest Railway Platform?
Ans : Sonepur (Bihar) (India)

5543 : Who is considered as the father of the Jews?
Ans : Abraham

5544 : Headquarter of IMF is at?
Ans : Washington; (USA)

5545 : Who is the author of “Family Reunion”?
Ans : TSEliot

5546 : Who is the author of “Ganadevata”?
Ans : Tara Shankar Bandyopadhyaya

5547 : The construction of Old Secretariat complex was completed in?
Ans : 1869

5548 : The Capital of Brazil?
Ans : Brasillia

5549 : Who was the Chief Minister of Cochin at the time of new state of Travancore – Cochin formed?
Ans : Ikkanda Warrier.

5550 : American stock exchange is situated in New York at?
Ans : Wall Street

Author: Freshers