General Knowledge – Basic – 029

4336 : From which language the word ‘Chemistry’ was originated?
Ans : The Egyptian language

4337 : Who is the author of “Kubla Khan”?
Ans : Samuel Taylor Coleridge

4338 : Largest living Mammal?
Ans : Blue Whale

4339 : Who is the author of “The Accompanist”?
Ans : Anita Desai

4340 : Which is the first poem of Kumaran Asan?
Ans : Veenapoovu

4341 : Pazhassi was killed on the banks of which river?
Ans : ‘Mavilathode’.

4342 : Central Scientific Instruments Organisation is located at?
Ans : Chandigarh (Chandigarh).

4343 : ‘Marginal utility theory’ was concepetuallised by?
Ans : Alfred Marshall

4344 : Who is the author of Silas Marner?
Ans : George Eliot

4345 : Who is known as the father of Fascism?
Ans : Benitto Mussolini

4346 : Who is the author of Ritu Samhara ?
Ans : Kalidas

4347 : Who is the author of “Comedy of Erros”?
Ans : Shakespeare

4348 : America was named after the Portuguese sailor ?
Ans : Amerigo Vespucci

4349 : At the time of declaration of Indian independence Pondicherry was a colony of?
Ans : France

4350 : Who is the author of “Banker to the poor-The story of the Grameen Bank”?
Ans : Muhammad Yunus

Author: Freshers